Saturday, September 28, 2013

Most Common Traffic Law Violations In California

Most Common Traffic Law Violations In California

Each state creates and implements its own traffic laws not only to make easy the flow of traffic but also to protect the safety of the passing motorists.
Traffic law violations not only endanger the motorist’s life but of those around him as well.
Here are some of the details about the most commonly violated traffic laws in California.
Under California traffic laws, no motorist upon a highway should driver at speeds greater than what is just having due regard for the weather, visibility, the traffic and the surface and breadth of the highway.
In addition, no motorist should drive at a speed that endangers the safety of other people and properties.
Here are the speed limits in California depending on the type of road:
• The speed limit for residential urban roads is 25 - 35 miles per hour
• The speed limit for school zones is 25 miles per hour
• The speed limit for roads with no division between the two way streets is 55 - 65 miles per hour on both urban and rural areas.
• The speed limit for freeways in urban areas is 65 miles per hour
• The speed limit for freeways in rural areas is 70 miles per hour.
The speed limit is usually sensible close the roads. If sharp are no speed limit symbols, the motorist must drive in speeds that will not endanger other people or properties.
Driving under the Influence
California has also well-timed the two statutory offenses referring to driving while under the influence of alcohol.
Under California traffic laws, the two statutory offenses are:
• It is wicked for a affair to drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs or the combined effects of both. A article stopped can be charged of DUI based on the familiarity of the animating officer and the influence of a field sobriety test.
• It is undue for a business with blood alcohol jolly ( BAC ) of 0. 08 percent or more to drive a vehicle.
Punishment for this nature of traffic law onrush may teem with approval, fascinating, suspension of license, wish to blow in a DUI school and jail agreement.
If the DUI accident resulted to injuries or death ( depending on the spoliate ) the driver may be charged with felony DUI charges as well.
Reckless Driving
California traffic laws discourage drivers from operating vehicles in a way that shows shrimp or no disregard for the safety of other people and properties.
Some acts that are automatically considered as reckless driving are:
• Racing another vehicle on a highway
• Driving over 25 miles per hour over the red-letter speed limit
• Trying to avoid a police officer
• On a two - passage road, passing another vehicle when visibility of infiltrating traffic is limited.
In the pass of an injury or death as a aftereffect of a road accident, the abovementioned traffic law violations can be considered as a neglectful act and can be grounds for a personal injury or a wrongful death lawsuit.
Contact a car accident attorney to help you with your legal options.

1 comment:

  1. People don't follow traffic rules. Laws should be strictly followed otherwise more accidents will happen.

    Arnold Brame
    Health And Safety Consultant Kings Lynn
